Today I received this e-mail:

Hello there,
I am looking for your help!
I am researching a piece for The Irish Times on Irish Women who met their foreign partners whilst on holiday or working in the partner's country. Subjects would need to be willing to do an interview about their lifestyle and to have their photo included.
I have posted notices on a couple of websites but still need more answers.
Would you be able to give me advice on how to post messages for Irish people in the Greek Islands?
I am under huge pressure in terms of time so would really appreciate your help.
Looking for interesting stories with human interest value - maybe someone who was unhappy here and has found happiness and love abroad etc;
Lifestyles piece so interview need not be too in-depth.

All the very best,
Yours in hope,
Hilary Fennell

hilary@hilaryfennell --add .com if you would like to respond to Hilary

I found in interesting that we have known quite a few foreign women married to Greek men and can think of no foreign men married to Greek women. Also we know of more such marriages that failed after a few years than we know of long term successes.

Compare and contrast that to Ireland of recent history where there is a major cultural gap for a Catholic to marry a protestant; and the USA before the 60's that had the same taboos.

Please Comment.

P.S. If you are interested in Ireland check out our Ireland Itinerary site.


At July 21, 2006 1:01 PM Martini said...

I'm usually interested in Ireland because that's where my DeLorean came from.


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