Reader beware! Time for a rant. We were seduced and screwed by Olympic Airlines.

Last month when planning our 8 day trip to Prague for Christmas the best flight from Athens had an early afternoon departure time which meant either an overnight hotel stay in Athens/Piraeus or taking the morning Olympic flight. The pros were the airport is only 3 minutes from our home; the flight is only 20 minutes long; the cost is less than the hotel and ferry combined. The con is Olympic Airlines.

einsteinOlympicWe have always advised travelers that they are difficult to deal with because they allow over-booking by passengers and travel agents so that they show full when they are not. We also knew they are strike prone because the employees are objecting to EU mandated privatization. We knew flights were often canceled for unknown reasons so we very carefully watched the weather and the news stories. Yesterday I rode over to the airport and asked about today's flight. I was answered with a shrug and a comment that they know nothing about tomorrow today.

Sure enough we show up ready to go 45 minutes before and the airport has an eerie feeling; no activity and a group of workers lounging over the baggage equipment smoking and chatting. The flight has been canceled supposedly due to a mild breeze from the "wrong" direction. I am guessing more likely due to somebody not wanting to come to work that day.

Now we are taking the evening ferry to Piraeus for midnight hotel arrival and noon departure for airport where our "best flight" is now very expensive due to change charges. And our holiday in Prague is one day shorter.

I would appreciate comments from anyone who has anything good to say about Olympic Airlines. If I asked for negative comments I am sure I would be flooded.


At December 17, 2008 2:33 PM Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,
Sorry for your shorter trip...I have a friend who received a message from Olympic explaining the reason of the cancellation of her flight "due to rescheduling of the flight... for technical reason" !
Would be funny if it were not so sad.
End of March 2009 OA will be split in three...Let's see.
Bon voyage.

At December 24, 2008 2:31 AM Anonymous said...

i say its a kind of experience that u gain wen u more careful the next time dude.I would be happy to add if u permit me.would be more happier if i find u in my blog

At May 11, 2009 10:27 PM 650-175 said...

Yes it true that taking extra care of yourself is good during Olympic, but i think not to avoid it.


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